International Education Week

November 13-17, 2023, is International Education Week! 
IEW is full of culturally-rich activities organized and presented by UNA's international and domestic students. A variety of activities, hosted by the Office of International Affairs and various campus and community organizations, will be available for UNA and the Shoals throughout the week.

This  is part of our efforts to promote programs that prepare Americans for a global environment and attract future leaders from abroad to study, learn, and exchange experiences.

History of International Education Week

Click for information about the history of IEW in the USA!
Stop by Mane Market this week to enjoy a diverse selection of cultural dishes prepared by UNA Dining. Check out their menu here!  
  • recognize students, staff and faculty with international connections or experience
  • highlight international authors, researchers or sources in course curriculum
  • host or co-host a social event like an international trivia night
  • eat foods from other countries
  • promote department study abroad trips
  • poster or bulletin board presentations of your unit's discipline as it is practiced in the US and other countries*
  • use social media to connect international alumni from UNA
  • showcase different sports around the world
  • a fun display or post of how some words have different meanings around the world

We hope your unit or office will join us in celebrating IEW in one or more ways - no matter how small! Share your plans with International Affairs so we can promote your activity. Please use these hashtags for any social media posts: #IEW2023 #IEWatUNA

*We would love to coordinate a scavenger hunt to find all the poster or bulletin board presentations on campus if we have enough presentations.


Monday, Nov. 13

Tuesday, Nov. 14, 6 pm - GUC Atrium
Decorate the Peace Tree in this annual event to to celebrate global harmony in the holiday season.

peace tree

Education Abroad Poster Session
Wednesday, Nov. 15 2-4pm- Collier Library
Come learn about short and long term study abroads at UNA.

poster session

Candy Around the World

Wednesday, Nov. 15 11am- GUC Atrium

Enjoy candy from around the world, hosted by UNA Center for Social Inclusion.

 IEW candy

Passport to the World

Thursday, Nov. 16, 5-7 p.m. - GUC Banquet Halls
"Passport to the World" is our signature event for International Education Week. UNA's international students represent over 50 countries. Come get your passport and travel the world in one night as you visit country tables, see displays, fashion and dancing, hear music and taste delicious foods.

 Orion for Everyone

Thursday, Nov. 16 7pm- Planetarium
 A special lecture "Orion for Everyone" which will discuss the various ways that constellation has been viewed throughout the world.  Because it lies on the celestial equator its stars can be seen in both hemispheres, so almost every culture in the world had a constellation and story about its stars.